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Autor Beitrag
10.06.2008, 11:54

Mike Durand, der für die Community SDK verantwortliche Entwickler bei Valve, hat in der hlcoders mailing list bekanntgegeben, dass in dem aktuellen Update für Team Fortress 2, Portal und Half-Life 2 Episode 2 neue Editoren enthalten sind.

Diese Editoren für Partikeleffekte, Kommentare und Materialien für die Community werden aber noch nicht in das reguläre SDK eingefügt. Auch gibt es keine Dokumentation oder Beispiele für diese Tools. Wer sich dennoch damit beschäftigen möchte kann die Programme wie folgt erreichen:

* Team Fortress 2, Portal oder Half-Life 2 Episode 2 mit dem Kommandozeilenparameter '-tools' starten.

* Ein Spiel starten.

* Im Spiel F10 drücken

Mike Durands kompletter Post in der hlcoders mailing list:

Mike Durand@hlcml

Hi All-

Included in the updates of TF2, Portal, and HL2:Ep2 are the binaries for
the particle editor, the commentary editor, and the materials editor.
I'm still working on an SDK update that includes a convenient way to
launch the tools as well as some example particles and commentary files,
but in the interim you can run any of the three games with '-tools' in
the launch options and access the new tools.

More documentation is on the way, but here is some general information
to help get you started checking out the tools:

1. These three tools run in the same process as the engine and you
can switch between the tools.

2. The F10 button changes context between playing the game in the
'Engine Viewport' window and editing content via the current tool.

3. In the lower left corner is an input field that allows the user
to dispatch console commands to the game while working with the tools.

4. Particle systems are defined in .pcf files that are located in
the 'particles' subdirectory beneath the game directory. You should
extract some of the TF2, Portal, or Ep2 particle files from the game
caches if you would like to see some examples. The SDK update will
include example particles.

5. Commentary node information is stored in text files in the
games' 'maps' subdirectory and the established naming convention is
<map_name>_commentary.txt. Again, you can extract these files from our
shipping games to check out the editor ahead of the SDK update and
example nodes.

6. The material editor is a GUI front-end and preview tool that
provides a more convenient way of tweaking materials settings. You can
extract VMT files from our shipping games or those from your own mods to
check it out.

I'm sure that there will be lots of questions and I'll do my best to
answer them quickly. I'm looking update the SDK either tomorrow or
Wednesday which will give you guys some more examples as well as make
launching the engine tools more consistent with our other tools.



Diese Programme sind als ungestet anzusehen. Falls es bei euch zu Problemen kommt, wäre Mike euch dankbar, wenn ihr die Fehler im Valve Wiki angebt: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/OB_Editor_Know_Issues


There is nothing wrong with high standards. It's your problem that you don't meet them.
If you think it's simple, then you have misunderstood the problem.
When a customer says "nothing has changed", assume they're lying.

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 10.06.2008 um 12:01 von Adrian_Broher bearbeitet.
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18.06.2008, 23:21

Schon klasse und hilfreich das Ganze!


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